Bright Life Nepal is non-profit and non-governmental organization registered at District Administrative Office of Chitwan, Bharatpur at 26-Sep-2019 A.D.with the registration number 31 and also affiliated to Social welfare council at 14-0ct-2019 with affiliation number of 50800 and registered Inland Revenue Department at 16-0ct-2019 in Chitwan district.
It one of the community based organization established by young and energetic peoples from Madi Municipality dedicated towards the protection of human rights and psychosocial wellbeing of youths, children, women and people suffering by psychosocial problems. It was established by self-motivated social worker friends from 2019, with the aim of promoting community mental health and psychosocial awareness, advocate and provide psychosocial-counseling service and different skill base training and livelihood support to service users; aims to reduce their problems
After establishment, we raised money from our own pockets and started to help and provide psychosocial support, mental health treatment and livelihood services in community. Then with our first grant from the Social Development Ministry, Bagmati province, Nepal in 12-feb-2021 we began to support psychosocial counseling and livelihood support for mental health survivors.